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Indian Motorcycle Oils Versus Aftermarket Oils

Aftermarket motorcycle oils claim they work across a broad range of engine and machine applications. Aftermarket oil products commonly claim to work in all brands and all models, but offer little or no testing validation to back up their claims.

Unlike most large air-cooled V-Twins, Indian Motorcycle engines and transmissions share the same oil bath. Both Semi-Synthetic 20W-40 and Full Synthetic 15W-60 engine oils are designed using our proprietary API SN grade additive system, specifically engineered to work in all Indian Motorcycle powertrains to protect vital engine and transmission components for the life cycle of the product. Indian Motorcycle oil offers two distinct viscosity grades of protection; Semi-Synthetic 20W-40 and our premium Full Synthetic 15W-60. Our unique viscosity ranges provide high levels of shear protection, designed to stay in grade longer. Indian Motorcycle oil works directly with Indian Motorcycle Engineering teams to formulate, test and validate each lubricant in the most extreme dyno and driving conditions. Each lubricant is specifically developed and tested to meet Indian Motorcycle engineering's tolerance and wear limitations.

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