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Creating RIDE COMMAND Log Files

Log files can be used to report a RIDE COMMAND software error to the Indian Motorcycle support team. When submitting a log file, be sure to also provide your RIDE COMMAND display serial number. Log files cannot be accessed by the support team without a serial number. To create a log file for your Indian Motorcycle equipped with RIDE COMMAND, follow the applicable steps below.

2020+ 7" Touchscreen Displays and 2022+ 4" Round Touchscreen Displays
To save a log file on model year 2020 and newer displays, follow these steps: 

1. Turn the key to ON, and allow the display to power up fully (approximately 16 seconds).

2. Insert a USB drive with at least 16GB free space into the display’s USB port. Note: The USB must be exFAT® formatted. For step-by-step instructions on formatting the drive, read the Formatting a USB to FAT32 or exFAT® article.

3. On the display, navigate to SETTINGS > GENERAL > SYSTEM INFORMATION.

4. Write down or take a picture of the serial number displayed on this screen. You can also find the serial number on a sticker on the back of the display. Set it aside where it can be referenced easily. You will need to provide this serial number when contacting the support team.

5. Tap and hold the line that says FIRMWARE VERSION. More options, “Engineering Menu” and “Save Log to USB,” will appear after about 3 seconds. Note: “Engineering Menu” requires a code to access. Don’t worry about accessing this. 

6. Select "Save Log to USB". The log will begin uploading to the USB drive, and a progress percentage will display.

7. Once the upload has reached 100 percent and is complete, unplug the USB drive.

8. On your computer, copy the “syslog” file from the USB and save it to your computer. 

9. Call Indian Motorcycle Customer Service at 1-877-204-3697 to start a case and receive the email address to send the log file(s) to. 

2017-2019 7" Touchscreen Displays
To save log files on a model year 2019 and older Indian Motorcycle with RIDE COMMAND, follow these steps: 

1. Turn the key to ON, and allow the display to power up fully (approximately 16 seconds).

2. Insert a USB drive with at least 16GB free space into the display’s USB port. Note: The USB must be FAT32 formatted. For step-by-step instructions on formatting the drive, read the Formatting a USB to FAT32 or exFAT® article.

3. On the display, navigate to SETTINGS > GENERAL > SYSTEM INFORMATION.

4. Write down or take a picture of the serial number displayed on this screen. You can also find the serial number on a sticker on the back of the touchscreen display. Set it aside. You will need to provide this serial number when contacting the support team.

5. Tap on LOG. This will generate a log file and save it to the USB drive.

6. On your computer, copy the “systemlog” file from the USB and save it to your computer in an accessible location.

7. Call Indian Motorcycle Customer Service at 1-877-204-3697 to start a case and receive the email address to send the log file(s) to. 

More information about RIDE COMMAND can be found in the Owner's Manual for your vehicle.
Visit the RIDE COMMAND website to create an account and update software/maps.
Not sure what you need? Check out the Guide to Indian Motorcycle Displays Powered by RIDE COMMAND.

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