Location: Fork, UT
Bikes: 2014 Indian Vintage Classic
Instagram: @therealhannahlaine
I first encountered Indian Motorcycle at the 75th anniversary of Sturgis. I was blown away by the aesthetics of the bikes and committed to owning one someday. I had never driven a motorcycle before Sturgis, I’d only been a passenger. One day, I decided I was tired of being afraid to drive a motorcycle. I took a weekend riding class from a local dealership, got my license, and was encouraged by the instructor to go buy the biggest bike I could. Through a wonderful turn of events, the local Indian Motorcycle dealership called me and said they had a red 2014 Indian Chief Vintage in the dealership and that if I could be there in half an hour with a check, it was mine. I bought my motorcycle sight unseen and have never looked back! It has been an absolute pleasure to be a part of the Indian Motorcycle family and to share the joy of riding with my family and friends and everyone I encounter on my adventures!